No Conditions are Good ConditionsOne of my favorite contests ever is the DARC 10m Contest. In the80’s several times per year it is reduced to only one date: The January DARC 10m Contest. Mostly there are bad conditions, two years ago I worked stations from Italy or Spain during the contest. But today the band was closed. This is a big advantage for the radio-hiker on the summit: No DX condition means, that the high-power stations with beams can work also over groundwave only. My station today: about 20w output into my MP-1 antenna. Temperatures on the tower around 0°C, no rain or snow. So I decided to operate directly from the platform. I started 10 minutes too late, because the ascent on the „Dörenberg“ was very difficult. Crusted snow and ice-fields forced me to go very slow. A normal ascent takes 20-25 minutes, now I needed 1 hour. On the top of the summit were 30cm crusted snow, but the tower was luckily free of snow and ice. Quick I installed the MP-1 and connected the transceiver. Log ready, clock ready, free frequency and: CQ CONTEST DC7CCC/P CONTEST. The first call was at 09:11 UTC and was followed by the first answer. Until 10:59 I logged 117 QSO. This year SSB only. CW is in this contest a waste of time except you are in the CW class only. Only one group hikers visitied the tower today. After the first hour of the contest wind came up … the last 30 minutes the windchill gave me a -20°C feeling. I was glad when the contest ended and I left the tower quickly. I cancelled also the planned additional 40m SOTA operation. Results: 117 QSO, 1 DXCC, 58 DOKs = claimed score 6903 points. I hope it won’t give too much deduction of the points. Some stations had problems with DC7CC and DL7CCC and DC7CCC 🙂 QTH: Hermanssturm, Dörenberg, JO42AE, 331m high plust 21m tower. Ref: DM/NS-036, WFF DLFF-125 (Terra Vita) |
6 Antworten auf „DARC 10m Contest 2011 from DM/NS-036 Dörenberg“
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Hallo Mario, congrats zu den QSOs im 10m Kontest. Meine Pläne auf die preu. Velmerstot zu ziehen hatten sich kurfristig zerschlagen, so das ich aus der Heimat qrv war. Hier in JO61 ist die Situation andersrum, die CW Aktivität ist viel größer als in Teuto-Land.
Cu in SOTA..Fred
Das ist aber eine ganz schön lange Anreise, Fred. Ich werde mal mit „Radio-Mobile“ berechnen lassen, ob Preuß. Velmerstot sich lohnen würde, für den 10m Kontest.
Dieses Jahr wollte ich primär viele QSO machen. Darum habe ich nicht einmal ins CW-Band gedreht. Durch diese „Taktik“ habe ich aber auch wohl viele Multiplier verloren. 73 …
„Some stations had problems with DC7CC and DL7CCC and DC7CCC“ Hallo Mario. Das ist der „Preis“ für ein Rufzeichen dieser Art. 😉
Es ist so, Michael: Nicht DL-Stationen „Nice Callsign“ – DL-Stationen „Ohgottogott – schlimmer geht’s wohl nicht?“ 😉
Doch, es ginge schlimmer: Sowas wie hs5hs 😉 dc7ccc ist auf alle Fälle auffällig und mit Hintergrund. Und Du bist damit bekannt. Also alles im Lot.